"With eyes far fixed on eternity, and
ear attentive upon the Divine voice, he goes forward.
He trusts God and is not afraid.”
E. Johnson
Peter and John are arrested and thrown into prison.
The next day they are brought before their prosecutors and they stand fascinated by these two men who could speak so confidently, with no degrees behind their names.
The ringleaders send them out of the room so that they can hold council, and all they can come up with is to try to put a Band-Aid over the megaphone that was driving the whole town wild with the message that the crippled man at the temple could walk again.
They called them back and warned them
that they were on no account ever again to speak or teach in the name of Jesus.
But Peter and John spoke right back,
"Whether it's right in God's eyes to listen to you rather than to God, you decide.
As for us, there's no question—
we can't keep quiet about what we've seen and heard."
Acts 4:18 The Message
Brave men.
But they weren't stupid.
They knew it would not be the last time they would be treated like this.
Which is why they went to find the friends who could pray with them:
"Take care of their threats and give your servants
fearless confidence in preaching your Message…”
Acts 4:29 The Message
And then…
"While they were praying...
they were filled with the Holy Spirit and
continued to speak God's Word with fearless confidence."
Acts 4:31 The Message
It is noticeable how they did not ask that the Lord should take them away from the situation, but that He would give them, within the situation, the overwhelming courage to continue to do what He asked them to do.
And they hadn't even said "Amen" when they felt their courage rise from their shoes, their hearts became brave, their heads lifted, and their shoulders pulled back.
Being a Christian is not rocket science.
Know what to ask.
Then ask.
And see how the Lord unlocks the storehouses of heaven even before you get up from your knees.
Your inspiration for the week: Where would I be