Years ago, almost in another lifetime it feels like, a somewhat nervous me embarked on a whirlwind training tour to our company's four factories. My senior at the time sent me off with this golden nugget: “You don't need to know everything. You just have to know more than they do."
I don't think it's the same as fake-it-till-you-make-it.
I think there is some truth in this.
Because so many times the enemy wants to paralyze us with thoughts of "I know too little" or "there is still too much I have to learn" that the Truth of what we do know sometimes dies a lonely, silent death inside us die without others ever hearing it.
Without anyone ever benefiting from it.
Paul and Silas are in prison again.
This time, however, a miracle happens, and their songs of praise make the prison gates jump from their hinges.
This time, however, Paul and Silas stay where they are.
This time it was not just their own lives that would be saved.
"Startled from sleep, the jailer saw all the doors swinging loose on their hinges.
Assuming that all the prisoners had escaped, he pulled out his sword and
was about to do himself in, figuring he was as good as dead anyway,
when Paul stopped him: "Don't do that! We're all still here! Nobody's run away!""
Acts 16:27 The Message
And then came The Question.
The one that young Christians probably fear the most and deep-rooted Christians longs the most for:
"Sirs, what do I have to do to be saved, to really live?"
And then we read:
"They said..."
You can go and read what they said for yourself.
What grabbed me this morning is not so much their answer.
It is the fact that they were not frightened or surprised or confused or paralyzed by the question.
Here were people who wanted to know what they knew.
That's all.
The question is, would you have taken your stuff that morning and gone back to people who know everything you know?
Or would you have lingered a little longer where there were people who yearned to know what you knew?
Do your people know what you know?
Do you know what you know?
Take out your Bible and search for it.
Write it down.
Start a The-Things-I-Know book.
For the days when everything the world knows confuses you.
For the days when someone asks you what you know.
And when it's your turn to tell then what you know,
may the Spirit sharpen your memory
and soften your words.
Your inspiration for the week: Love me still