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Wag is 'n werkwoord

Writer: Maxie HeppellMaxie Heppell

“Ek het wagte op Jerusalem se mure uitgesit.

Hulle moet dag en nag op die uitkyk wees.

Hulle moet die Here sonder ophou aan sy beloftes herinner.

Hulle mag nooit ophou nie.

Hulle mag nooit kopgee nie.

Hulle moet aanhou totdat die Here Jerusalem so herstel het

dat die aarde oor hom kan sing.”

Jesaja 62:6 Die Boodskap

Wag was nog nooit my sterk punt nie.

Wag vir uitslae.

Wag vir oopmaaktyd.

Wag vir die ketel om te kook.

Soveel so dat meester-multitasker wat ek is, nie sommer meer onkant gevang word nie.

Daar is altyd ‘n vinnige epos om te antwoord.

Of ‘n webinaar om te kyk.

Of ‘n skottelgoedwasser om te pak.

Wag het verseker ‘n werkwoord geword.

In sekere opsigte.

Want om te wag op die Here het my net gefrustreerd en verslae gelaat.

Hoe doen mens dit?

Wat beteken dit?

Nes die wonderlikste “toevallighede” ‘n mens mos oorval, loop ek die opgedateerde, gratis weergawe van Ds. Andrew Murray se 1896 uitgawe van Waiting on God nou onlangs op Amazon raak.

En elke dag leer ek iets.

Sommige dae gaan ek terug en gaan lees weer, want ek wil nie vergeet nie.

Ek wil onthou.

Jy mag jouself dalk ook tyd wil gun om hierdie kosbare kleinode oop te maak en te ondersoek en mooi toe te maak en te bêre, net om weer anderdag uit te haal en van voor af te bekyk…

“Learn to say of every desire, every failure, and every lack of needful grace: I have waited too little upon God, or He would have given me in due season all I needed.”

“Waiting for guidance and waiting for instruction all the day is a very blessed part of waiting upon God.”

“With our first attempt to live life completely and always waiting on God, we may discover how much that perfect integrity is lacking. This will just be one of the blessings that the waiting was meant to produce.”

“When we set ourselves to wait on God, we should resolve that we will wait with the most confident expectation of God meeting and blessing us.”

“My mind is not able to create or maintain the spiritual life within me; the heart must wait for God to work in me.”

“This is the blessedness of waiting upon God: that I confess the deficiency of all my thoughts and efforts and bow my heart before Him in holy silence, as I trust Him to renew and strengthen His work in me.”

“In waiting upon God, our eyes are opened to believe in His wise and sovereign will and to see that the sooner we yield to it, the more surely His blessing can come to us.”

“If we do not keep His ways, our waiting on Him can bring no blessing. True, you don’t have the strength yet to keep all His ways, but you can keep those for which you have already received strength.”

“Why not come with everything evil you feel in yourself – every memory of unwillingness, unwatchfulness, unfaithfulness, and all that causes such unceasing self-condemnation? Put your power in God’s might and find your deliverance by waiting on God.”

“The word patience is derived from the Latin word for suffering.”

“The meekness that is content to be and to know nothing, except as God gives His light, develops with time.”

“The Lord directs your heart into the patience with which you are to wait on God; He Himself will guide you.”

“The assemblies of God’s saints must cultivate more stillness of soul to realize God’s presence, more consciousness of ignorance of God’s plans, more faith that God has greater things to show us, and more expectation the He Himself will be revealed in new glory.”

“Let no one who seeks to learn the blessed art of waiting on God be surprized if the attempt to wait on Him only reveals more of his own sin and darkness.”

“Waiting in the sunshine of His love is what will ripen the soul for His blessing. Waiting under the cloud of trial that breaks in showers of blessing is as needful.”

“What a blessing when a waiting soul and a waiting God meet each other!”

“Let us listen to God’s answer until every fear is banished, and we send back to heaven the words God speaks.”

“The measure of our faith is what we know of God in our personal experience, as He conquers the enemies within, as He reigns, rules, and reveals Himself in His holiness and power in our innermost being.”

“We must desire and believe; we must ask and expect that God will do unlooked-for things. We must set our faith on a God of whom men do not know what He has prepared for them who wait for Him. The wonder-doing God, who can surpass all our expectations, must be the God of our confidence.”

“Every act or exercise of waiting becomes a quiet entering into the goodness of God to let it do its blessed work and satisfy our every need.”

“At first it may seem difficult to know how to wait quietly with the activities of mind and heart subdued, but every effort will be rewarded. We will find that quiet waiting becomes pleasant, and the little time of silent worship will bring a peace and a rest that give a blessing not only in prayer, but also all day long.”

“With all our willing and running, with all our thinking and praying, quiet waiting will not be done; we must receive it from God. Quietness is the confession of our trust that God will in His time come to our help – the quiet resting in Him alone.”

“When we have special petitions in connection with what we are waiting for, our waiting must be the confident measure of my God will hear me.”

“Only humbly waiting on God can save us from mistaking the interest and pleasure of intellectual study for the true love of Him and His appearing.”

“When you begin to wait on God, it is with frequent intermission and frequent failure, but God is watching over you in love and secretly strengthening you in it.”

Die versoeking was daar om my innerlike belewenis van al hierdie kosbaarhede met jou te deel.

Maar ek wil jou nie van jou eie wag-avontuur ontneem nie.

My boodskap was spesiaal vir my.

Jou boodskap is spesiaal vir jou.

Jou inspirasie vir die week: Here again


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Bietjie oor my

Vir baie lank het my lewe nie regtig rigting gehad nie.

'n Gekompliseerde kindertyd, verkeerde keuses (en die gevolge daarvan) het my gevange gehou. Tot daardie dag dat die Here Sy kind uit die modder opgetel en haar voete stewig op Vaste Rots laat land het.

Psalm 40 bly tot vandag toe 'n groot favourite!


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