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What will this YES cost me?

Writer: Maxie HeppellMaxie Heppell

"Be sure that your 'YES' is worth the less..."

Louis Giglio

Everything has a price, the old mafia bosses would say in their fake Italian twang in the Hollywood movies of yesteryear.

But everything does have a price. An opportunity cost, one could call it.

If I buy the very first pair of shoes at the very first store I walk into, I might miss the opportunity to get a nicer, more comfortable pair at another store.

Opportunity cost.

If I were to ignore my heaving chest and cough and go to Afrikaans Is Lekker today, I might miss the opportunity to attend my new job's next round of interviews this week.

Opportunity cost.

If fear of the future drives me to follow my own head and ignore good advice from Godly friends and the small, still voice in my left ear, I might miss the opportunity to discover the Lord's best for my life.

In Acts 27 we read that Paul was loaded on a boat to Rome as a prisoner.

The sea was rough and the captain was stubborn and after only 3 days at sea, they got into trouble.

Paul tried to talk it over with the Roman officer on board, but he was not interested in any opinion but his own. So they continued in rough water from one mooring to another, nothing more than a cork on an ocean with its own rules.

And then... Then the Lord sent an angel to bring Paul the good news that he and everyone on board that little ship will arrive safely on the other side, and that he would get his day before Ceasar, as he had asked for. But only if everyone would stay on the ship.

Now Paulus had to fight to get the group of seasoned sailors to stay, in the midst of the storm. Otherwise they wouldn't make it.

Opportunity cost.

If I choose to take the Lord at His Word, there is also a price.

The ride may be uncomfortable and there may be few places to rest.

The provisions may also run low.

The road stretched out, with few people who will understand.

But if I believe that it will ultimately be better for me to walk the Lord's way than my own, then I’m prepared to pay.

The opportunity cost.

Because my "YES" to the Lord is always loaded with the potential to be exceedingly, unexpectedly and surprisingly blessed in excess!

"With dawn about to break, Paul called everyone together

and proposed breakfast: "This is the fourteenth day we've gone without food.

None of us felt like eating! But I urge you to eat something now.

You'll need strength for the rescue ahead.

You're going to come out of this without even a scratch!”

Acts 27:33 The Message

Your inspiration for the week: King of the world


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Vir baie lank het my lewe nie regtig rigting gehad nie.

'n Gekompliseerde kindertyd, verkeerde keuses (en die gevolge daarvan) het my gevange gehou. Tot daardie dag dat die Here Sy kind uit die modder opgetel en haar voete stewig op Vaste Rots laat land het.

Psalm 40 bly tot vandag toe 'n groot favourite!


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