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When He blesses you with pain

Writer: Maxie HeppellMaxie Heppell


"God's gifts to me

have often been wrapped in packages

that made my hands bleed.”

Sheila Walsh


Have you ever been in the predicament of getting a gift for someone who really doesn't need anything this world has to offer? Or who can buy everything they would like to have?


What do you give someone like that?


I saw it for the first time here in England, but maybe it is not new where you are: The gift of an experience. You simply buy such a gift certificate in a chain store, and the variety is immense!


"Indoor Skydiving for Two", or "A Vineyard Tour for Two", or a "12-mile Helicopter Tour for Two".


Of course, for two, because shared fun is twice as good!


However, there are some of these that are aimed at singles:


“Lamborghini and Ferrari Driving Blast for One, “Birds of Prey Three Hour Experience for One”, or how about “Aerobatic Stunt Flying for One”?


We read that we, children of the Lord, already have access to everything that makes our life on earth possible, see 2 Peter 1:3.


However, as I get older, I realize that the Lord also blesses me with the things that make my life better.

Things I never even knew I was missing.


It is when we go through the pain of deep loss that we realize the value of what we still have.

And every day becomes a miracle.


It is when we walk through the darkness of physical pain that we most appreciate the gift of health.

And every painless breath becomes a worship song.


It is when others' pain is too great for us to handle, that we realize again how big and how present is the Hand that holds and cherishes us all here.


And my own hurt

teaches me to

better understand

the pain

of others.


And I realize what a blessing the pain can be.

I don't want to see it, but I can't deny that shines on this truth.


What then does the Lord give to the one who has everything?

(Even if it doesn't feel like it.)


Pain. Hurt. The vision of even more pain…


For you and

for others.


He has not forgotten you.

Sometimes He blesses you with pain.


Mary said, “I am the Lord's servant! Let it happen as you have said."

Luke 1:38 CEV




Your inspiration for the week: Oh My Soul


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