Earlier this week I watched a clip where the Father of the Bride prepares to start his speech on The Great Day. But just a few sentences in, he suddenly stops, asks the DJ to entertain the guests while he quickly goes to get something, and runs out, placing his champagne glass on the nearest table.
The expression on the Bride and Groom's face makes it clear that this, in no uncertain terms, was not part of their planning!
The next moment, the TV screens in the venue came alive with her father running down the stairs outside the building, jumping into a sports car and speeding away.
What on earth….?
Then something from a classic 007 movie follows where her father outwits a police chase, stops by their house to pick up something very special, takes out a gang, then jumps in a plane and from it, with the very special package peeking out from his waistcoat.
The next moment you can see him safely landing near the wedding venue, running up the stairs, and then all of a sudden, he's back in the reception hall - slightly out of breath, with her faded, but treasured teddy she's been sleeping with all these years.
"Traveling through the country,
passing from one gathering to another,
he gave constant encouragement,
lifting their spirits and charging them with
fresh hope."
Acts 20:2 The Message
This could just as well have been the inscription on Paul's headstone, I think.
Or maybe his own 007 movie where he would run for his life, dashing over city walls at night, where his besties would stop him from entering a stadium with a bloodthirsty mob that had already grabbed one of them, while everywhere he went he had to find ways to avoid those who wanted to kill him.
Despite that, he takes his hat and his stick and his Hope and travels more than 10,000 km to tell Christians about the good news and the change that Jesus brings in the lives of people everywhere, Jews and non-Jews.
The Father of the bride wanted to give her something very special that could bring her comfort, whatever the cost.
Paul too.
But his pain was real.
If I have to be honest tonight: How much pain am I willing to feel in my own self in order to bring Hope to someone else?
See, a large part of the Hope that Paulus carried with him was that part of the story where others could associate with his pain and could see what it was like to come out the other side and still have a joyful testimony.
May the way in which I deal with my pain, and you deal with your pain finally be the salve that heals this world’s wounds, so that they may then be ready to ask: "Who's your doctor?"
Your inspiration for the week: Time & time again