“Where were you when the earth burned?”
they will ask, and we will explain to them
about Brexit and Trump and Fake News
and billionaires and corporate taxes and big oil
and how it wasn’t just the earth burning,
but also Afghanistan and Syria and Yemen
and Kashmir and Sudan were bleeding too
and the ice caps were melting
and the coral reef was dying
and the tigers and leopards
and elephants were going extinct
and of course, so many of us were fighting
but the well of truth was poisoned
and how no one believed their eyes
or pictures or scientists anymore,
How does one fight monsters
when there are an eternity of them to fight,
we promise, we promise, we tried.
“Where were you when the earth burned?”
they will ask, and we will hold our hands out,
hold theirs and say, “we too, like you,
were hoping, praying, wishing…
and just trying to survive.”
Nikita Gill
Ek wil nie maar net oorleef nie.
Daai prentjie van die apie-familie op die teerpad deur die Amasone wat vir lewe en dood vasklou aan die ander aapgesiggies om hulle… ter wille van oorlewing. Ons mense het al soveel keer opgefoeter en elke keer betaal een of ander spesie daarvoor. Soms ook die homo sapiens.
“God is in that city,
and it won’t be shaken.
He will help it at dawn.”
Psalm 46:5 CEV
Die stad wat weet waar sy Water vandaan kom, hoef nooit te vrees dat die fontein gif sal baar nie.
Anders as die wat drink van die put van koerante en Trump-tweets en CNN en SKYNEWS en Nuus Om 7 en die Huisgenoot.
En die stad sal nie wankel nie.
Anders as die mensdom se Jerigo-paleise wat gebou is op die sanderige fondasies van menslike opinies en menings.
En die Here sal kom help.
Williswaar eers as die dag breek, maar Hy sal.
“He who is the Lord of time will eversave at the best possible moment.
He will not come so quickly as to prevent us from feeling our need,
He will not tarry so long as to make us sick with hope deferred,
or so long as to let the enemy
fulfil his purpose of destruction.”
John MacLaren
Hy moet soms wag totdat ons honger genoeg is om Sy brood te wil hê.
Tog sal Hy ons nie langer laat wag as wat Hy ons regop kan hou nie.
Waar was ek toe die vuur gebrand het?
Wat het ek gedoen ter wille van oorlewing?
Wat het ek gedoen ter wille van jóú oorlewing?
Jou temalied vir die week: I will wait